Custom Objects module provides flexibility to define any data structure (schema) you need, build 1-to-many relations between schemas and control permissions for all operations made on data. Schema is defined in QuickBlox Dashboard.

There are two key concepts in Custom Objects:
– Class represents your schema and contains field names and types.
– Record represents data you put into your schema.

Class and Record are similar to table and row in relational database. Every class in Custom Object module comes with five mandatory predefined fields: 

_iduser_idparent_idcreated_at, and updated_at.

Allowed data types: Integer (or Array of Integer); String (or Array of String); Float (or Array of Float); Boolean (or Array of Boolean); Location (Array of [<longitude>, <latitude>]); FileDate.

You can read more information about QuickBlox Server API in our official documentation.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to submit a ticket to our Support team and we will help with all your efforts.